Sunday, April 29, 2018

Plotting on The BIG Shift - Reality Jump

The word plot has multiple meanings, to which, I will explain the twist and turning of a reality plot.
One definition is a secret plan, formed by a person or group to do something illegal or cause harm. Another definition of plot is
the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.
I intend to plot in a positive way, a secret plan to do something in the spirit that will reflect in the physical.
I also, am devising a sequence of events that will change the course of everyone's reality interrelated to me.

In order to be successful with the plot it is similar to building a fictional story, though it is the facts of foundation to this new reality.
Secrecy is the key, to unlock the door to the miraculous surprise of the manifestation of my greatest imaginations.
It is for this reason, society, and ordinary citizens must not know of future events to occur, until they are in occurrence.
In comparison to, La Gente de Buen DINERO, some more feeble minded individuals can't know things planned to come or they will inadvertently sabotage the events to come. Negative energy, doubt, fear, and exposing plans deprive them of the power and ability they have to occur at the maximum vibration.
Every power move has a ripple effect, with likeness to the aftermath of an explosion.
Every thing you do and say, all the events leading to your success are the plot.
The plot is to be hidden in plain sight, everyone can see you are doing something, yet no one should be able to know what you are doing until it has been done.
This will bring your story to it's climax, just as many do not want to know what happens in a movie, book, or TV series until they see for themselves.
Keep the world at the seat of their chairs, anticipating, what the next move could be.
A great boxer's trainer once told him, don't telegraph your punch.
You must not show the cards you have been dealt. You must play them right.  Plotting before every move, already knowing in the tablet of your heart, what is next, you wish to come.

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