Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dark Arts of Manifestation - The Understanding of GOD 1

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

In my darkest hours, I called on the LORD, in great grief and despair.  Being that my purpose in LIFE is to be a leader.  Not only a leader, but a great LEADER.  I begin this journey to better myself, for my people.  Not realizing as I better myself at a fast pace, it would be an uncomfortable transitional period for MY PEOPLE.  LA GENTE DE BUEN DINERO.

The closer I get to GOD and the LOVE and POWER of GOD, the further I AM pulled from the world and the people of the world.  Bringing me to the realization that AS I become ONE with GOD, I must develop even more of GOD'S UNDERSTANDING.

First, every thing has it's time and season.  With this truth and understanding GOD gave me, I now realize that all my prayers and hopes for MY PEOPLE will come to pass when the time has run its course.

It is this hope that I keep, even in my departure, if it takes separation for my people to understand and then activate the knowledge and wisdom I have given them.  I will gladly leave, not retreat or quit, but leave them be, so that they may have PEACE from me.

It is my understanding that when one is called on a spiritual quest, only they can see the vision and final destination of that quest.  What is given in the SPIRIT, and revealed in the SPIRIT, can only be seen by trained spiritual eyes.  Many will be blind to your imagination of great and wonderful plans for their life.

In my own realm, I only have dominion over my own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions,
The way I feel on this day, 8/22/2018 3:57 PM another may not feel or be inspired to achieve the same spiritual enlightenment until 11/22/2022 11:11 PM.  By then, I will have reached an even higher level of understanding myself and also they way to interact and lead others I encounter.

With this wisdom, it makes me understand day to day dealings with family, friends, loved ones, and coworkers.  As they see the world, from their own point of view, whether differences in ethnic background, family upbringing, or even geographical location, no one will see the world the exact way I see it, even if I explained it clearly in a book.

My spiritual findings, the miracles that have happened in my life, the transformations that have taken place in plain sight around me that others come short of noticing.

Whoever is patient has great understanding,
but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.
Proverbs 14:29

The more understanding I gain, the more patient I become.  Though, patience is still a practice that I feel must be mastered, I have sincerely been working towards being more patient.  
I have been known, by those who know me well, to have a bit of a quick temper that can flare up, like a short fuse firecracker.
I ask GOD, to work on me from the inside out, but also I have found that a bit of wrath is GODLY in the right nature.

My temper is usually brought upon by feeling disrespected.  So I lash out by retaliating with the same disrespect.
This is definitely, foolish of me.  No matter who or what the situation is, I can remove myself from that situation.  Even if it costs taking a lost.  A sacrifice is worth the cost, than making an error because of anger.  

Too many times, even in my own community tempers have flared and people have lost their freedom and lives from not being patient enough with the others around them.

The more patient we are with others, the more patient GOD is with us.  

We must be patient in accepting others for who they are, strengths and weaknesses, and we must also be patient in them accepting us for who we truly are as we are finding ourselves.

As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things.
Ecclesiastes 11:5

We can only imagine and wonder of the works of GOD.
Seeing that GOD works through everyone and everything, it is best to be patient and see where the greater good can come from things that happen in your life.

The best things begin to happen and take place when we are pushed out of our comfort zone.  We find ourselves in a brand new reality after we withstand the storm.  There are many types of storms that can overcome us in life, it is important we remained grounded in the word.  During these storms we must stand firm in our foundation.  What is GOD up to?

Even that question alone is not mine to ask though I feel, It is my job to reestablish the throne of HEAVEN here on earth.  As above, so below.  

Many things have begin to happen in my life, as I have stood up to better myself.  Some things have been pleasant and sweeter than honey, while others seem like tests from GOD and the devil to see which side I will choose, lol, but seriously.

Through all these trials I have been facing it has only brought me closer and closer to GOD and following my spiritual purpose to wherever that may lead me.

A person may think their own ways are right,
but the Lord weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:2 

What I feel is right, may not be right for others.  This I must accept.
I have begin to realize that different people have different ideas of right.
Many people have different beliefs of right.
What is right for them?
What is right for their children?
What is the right career, religion, or even education to pursue?
Thus, if they have their own idea of GOD, then what GOD speaks to them and tells them to be right or true, could differ very much so from that of me?

Basically, I am a product of a father that worked 6 jobs simultaneously and also a mother who was a librarian and father was of course a deacon under my Grandfather Reverend Jesse A Hill, also two of my uncles are pastors.  Thus, spiritually there is a presence of righteousness in me not on me.

Though, I have this spiritual  religious, upbringing, I have also been rooted and have ties to certain aspects of life, that I can identify with and speak on situations without judging because I have been there and done that.

I am no where near perfect, yet, I am constantly striving to be the best me I am created to be.

Being the best me is right for me, and others may not fully agree with it or support it, but it is who I am placed on this earth to be.


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