Every great empire has risen from darkness.
Some empires have even risen from ashes and dust of previous empires. Nations have risen in history, out of the shadows of other nations that have seemed much greater. When speaking on the rise of the Spiritual Empire it is very much similar and in direct correlation to that of physical empires.
What is the spiritual realm and who is in control of the spiritual realm?
The spiritual realm is all around us. You feel it, when you feel the good or bad vibes in a neighborhood. You can see glimpses of it when you are caught day dreaming or have a vision in your mind's eye and brush it off to get back into the physical moment of "living life". The spiritual realm is happening in the now and also is a view of what is to come.
Who is in control of this spiritual realm???
Every thought, word, action, and energy we put into the now, has an effect on the spiritual realm and will be the cause of the "Next" action, manifestation, or reality we create or encounter.
Rising in the SPIRIT.
Realizing that it is more to your existence than your physical body, the thoughts of your mind, the bad decisions and mistakes of your past, and also the problems you face.
If you had the power and ability to freeze time; to pause the present and make altercations; imagine the power you would possess.
TRUTH is, you have this power, we all have
this power. Self-Mastery allows us to tap into this power, own it, and begin solving the problems; not only in our lives, but in the world around us.
The first exercise we will practice to pause this physical realm of time and space is to pull yourself from the situation, detachment. When you detach, you don't ignorE or forget your problems; you release them, and imagine the feeling of them being solved. First, accept that you have the problem. Assuming that every problem is mental, emotional, or spiritual before it manifests into a physical problem; we can say that the problem consists of how you feel about the situation and not the actual situation itself. An example of a physical or present problem could be not having enough gas to make it to your next payday, this problem agitates you causing you to be spiritually, mentally, or emotionally sad, angry, frustrated, depressed, helpless. When you become sad, angry, frustrated, helpless, and depressed the problem begins to seem bigger and bigger. Your attitude about the situation makes it become even more of reality and a problem.
It is written all over your face.
To detach from this problem spiritually you must first change how you are feeling in the present. Become thankful, happy, and positive. Start by creating a smile. Realize now, that the problem that has deprived you of joy is getting smaller and smaller, so much so, you are considering other rides to work, and even considering if the weather permits, walking to work.
Sounds crazy right?
Well let's imagine beginning a walk to work and someone pulling over asking do you need a ride? What about even humbling yourself and calling your manager explaining that you have no gas to make it to payday and your manager offers you a small loan until your check? What about imagining that a family member allows you to borrow the money, or even has some work they need help completing and they may pay you to assist them? At the end of the day, even if none of these things will be the solution to your problem, at least, for the time being you aren't feeling emotionally wrecked and in shambles.
Do not shackle yourself to your problems and allow them to imprison you.
Emotionally break free from those problems.
When you spiritually become free it will manifest in your physical life.
It has already been done. It is already being fixed. Everything is alright. Your faith is only being tested.
Your spiritual creativity is being tested.
You power granted to you as a gift from OUR CREATOR is being tested.
We are all creators.
Created a better way to deal with every situation.
Create a way to escape from unhappiness.
The Spiritual Empire is RISING!!!
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