Saturday, February 3, 2018

Don't Give Away Your Power, The Power to be the best YOU is CONFIDENCE

Don't Give Away Your Power, The Power to be the best YOU

Give no one the power over the entity of You.

I describe you as a two completely separate entities because if YOU are in control of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings; You will operate better and also be more appeased in your outlook on the world.

Yet, if you allow the power of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings to be controlled by others; they have the power and hold the key to destroying your happiness, and also, devouring and consuming the aspiration of having a Great day or being a Great person, because if they don't make you feel Great, you won't feel you are great or can be great at whatever it is you are trying to do.

This feeling of not being accepted as great or always trying to impress others will transform you into a people pleaser.  A people pleaser is to busy trying to please others and satisfy people, not realizing people will never be satisfied.
If GOD can't satisfy people, why drive your self mad trying to satisfy everyone all the time.
Some people set out to please other people.
Some people wish only to please themselves.
Some people seek to please GOD.
I judge neither of the three,
but I know which one's are the happiest,
after accomplishing their goal.

A people pleaser will give away the one thing they need to be great.
Without confidence, they lack the ability to believe in their self.
Other's may not believe they can complete a task, so it destroys their project from the root.
They will struggle with the insecurity of DOUBT.
Doubt is like a demon with many friends.
Once one doubt sets in, failure and lack of trying set in.

You must balance between pleasing others and doing what pleases you, to me that seems pleasing to GOD and seems WISE.

If you spend your whole life only wanting others to please you, you will wear them out.  You will run them off and drive them away.
You will drain all the energy they have and will destroy them.

If you spend your whole life trying to please others, the stress alone may kill your spirit.
In the end, no one will be pleased with you, because you aren't pleased with yourself.
What can you say that you have accomplished.

Even GOD judges the WORK of individuals.
Whose work are you doing.
If you only work for others all your life, are you doing your work for GOD, or their work for GOD.
Are you living your dreams or someone else dreams.
Are you waking up living in your world,
or are you just existing in other's worlds until
they cast you out for having nothing of your own
because you gave all of YOU AWAY.


Follow @ElNinoDineroBueno on IG

Bless all the readers and sharers of the TRILL Words.

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